Top 10 Foods That Fight Diabetes

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Top 10 Foods That Fight Diabetes

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period. While meds like insulin can control diabetes and regulate blood sugar levels, there are also many foods which help fight diabetes. These super foods can help combat diabetes and help diabetic people to regulate their blood sugar levels. Not only do these foods fight diabetes but also may lead to permanent treatment from diabetes. The Top 10 foods that fight diabetes are as follows:


Apples - Food to Fight Diabetes

Food rich in anthocyanin can help fight diabetes. These foods include apples and blueberries. Eating these foods in high quantity can help combat diabetes. Apple is already renowned for its high nutrition value because of the many vitamins and nutrients it provides to the body. As the saying goes: An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Turns out this is a pretty accurate saying. Eating apples and other food rich in anthocyanin are useful in the fight against diabetes.


Dark chocolate


Over the years, the benefits of dark chocolate ate becoming more prominent. One such benefit of dark chocolate is that it is a super food which fights diabetes. Dark chocolate improves your insulin sensitivity and regulates blood sugar levels, and as a result reduces risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Nowadays dark chocolate comes in many varieties. So you can always choose the one with lowest sugar content.

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Wheat Bran


Wheat Bran is another food which helps fight diabetes. Wheat bran contains magnesium in high content which is very useful in controlling diabetes type 2. While other types of wheat like whole grain are very good for four body, wheat bran is also beneficial, especially for diabetic patients. Wheat bran is a food that not only helps fight diabetes but also prevents cancer, regulates blood pressure and maintains blood sugar levels in the body.



Eating a handful of nuts each day can really help in combating diabetes. Nuts not only increase your good cholesterol but also reduces the risk of you getting diabetes. Nuts like pistachios are a great source of protein and you can easily substitute chips and other junk food with pistachios and similar nuts. These nuts will not only help you provide quality nutrients but will also help in weight loss, maintaining blood sugar levels and increasing good cholesterol in your bod which is essential for a healthy heart. Incorporating a handful of nuts daily will do a lot of good for people with diabetes.




According to many studies, getting more vitamin C can help prevent diabetes. Foods like oranges and strawberries are high in vitamin C and therefore reduces the risk of getting diabetes. Strawberries can be taken in a number of ways. You can make smoothies, milkshakes or take them raw. Strawberries are so delicious that you don’t need to have diabetes excuse to eat them. Eat them daily and get your daily intake of Vitamin C.

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We all love cinnamon cookies but cinnamon itself is a great source of diabetes prevention. This is because cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels. Not only does it lower your blood sugar level to high diabetes but also lowers cholesterol and improves insulin sensitivity. All the more reason to include cinnamon in your daily diet.


Brown Rice


Diabetes causes damage to our blog vessels. According to Medical College of Georgia, begin rice contains a compound which repairs the damaged blog vessels. So if you ate looking to fight diabetes and it’s effects, begin rice can help you.


Dried clove - isolated on white


Cloves and similar spices contain antioxidants which prevent inflammation caused by diabetes. Including some Indian spices in your food can really help you to fight diabetes.




We all associate spinach with Popeye and how eating it makes him strong. Spinach, like all other leafy green vegetables, is a nutritional powerhouse. Spinach is another food which fights diabetes. Eating spinach reduces the risk of getting diabetes. Therefore including it in your dirty is a very good idea. Not only will it provide you with all the essential nutrients but will also let to diabetes prevention.




According to recent studies, tumeric is a great weapon against diabetes. Tumeric contains a compound called Curcumin. This compound delays the spread of diabetes. According to study carried out by Diabetes Care journal, people having tumeric in their diet did not contract diabetes. While the research is still in its early phase, the signs look promising and if you are looking for a super food to help fight diabetes, tumeric is the name of the game.

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