Maplestory Reboot Training Guide

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When it comes to Maplestory, it is all about levelling. In this traveling guide, you will see the perfect maps to get the best experience levels and points. This game has launched several new mechanics since its launch.

Moreover, the Maplestory grind has become significantly easier over the years. This overall guide is for the world of the reboot on the game of Maplestory.

Now, in this blog, you will get the entire Maplestory reboot training guide. However, before moving on to the guide, let us have a look at the ways that can enhance your leveling experience.

Items Required to Level up the Characters of your Maplestory

Here the essential items for leveling up the characters of Maplestory:

  1. Legion EXP Coupon- Are you having any Legions Coins? If yes, then you can spend those coins on Legion EXP coupons. This will provide a double EXP for thirty minutes.
  2. Hyper Teleport Rock- You can purchase this item from the CashShop. However, for this, you need 5,200,000 mesos for one-day usage. It also enables you to teleport to any map quickly. This helps you to switch the training maps quickly.
  3. MVP Atmosphere Buff- The players get these items in the form of rewards. However, for this, the players have to spend around $300 for more than 3 months on Maplestory.
  4. New Leaf City Potions- These items will provide you with attack buff potions. Not only this but also includes attacking Wizard Elixir (+20 Magic Attack) and Warrior Elixir (+12 Weapon Attack). You can purchase these items from Miki for 5,000 Mesos. Moreover, it lasts for eight minutes each.
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Required Link Skills

Link Skills are one of the most significant parts of the game Maplestory. In this game, when your character reaches the 70th level, they will get a special skill. The name of this special skill is called LINK SKILL.

Here are the things that are useful for training:

  • Rune Persistence- This enhances the period of Rune’s 2x EXP Buff by 30/50/70%.
  • Elven Blessing- It provides 10/15/20% EXP.
  • Combo Kill Blessing- It upsurges the quantity of EXP that you acquire from Combo Orbs. The quantity increases by 400%/650%/900%.

Now, here is the training guide for Maplestory Reboot.

Maplestory Reboot Training Guide

Level 10 to 23

Map- Golem’s Temple 3

Mob- Flaming Mixed Golem

Base Stats- HP: 350 – EXP: 39

Level 23 to 30

curse eye

Map- North Forest: Green Tree Trunk

Mob- Curse Eye

Base Stats- HP: 650 – EXP: 50

Level 30 to 42

Map- Garbage Dump: Shaded Dump Site

Mob- Dumpy Hoodlum

Base Stats- HP: 2800 – EXP: 95

Level 42 to 45

Map- Abandoned Offices: Mr. Hazard’s Lair 2

Mob- Hazard’s Mean Crony and Hazard’s Rotten Crony

Base Stats- HP: 4200 – EXP: 124 and HP: 3800 – EXP: 115

Level 40 to 60

Theme Dungeon – Ellinel Fairy Academy, Riena Strait, Gold Beach, and Elodin

Quest- [Theme Dungeon] Ellinel Fairy Academy, [Riena Strait] Get it Strait, [Gold Beach] A Golden Opportunity, and [Elodin] Anne’s Plea for Help

Time to Complete- 20 to 30 minutes

Level 50 to 60

burnt land

Map- Burnt Land: Wild Boar Land

Mob- Wild Boar and Terrified Wild Boar

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Base Stats- HP: 8,000 – EXP: 187

Level 60 to 75

copper drake

Map- Swamp: Silent Swamp

Mob- Copper Drake

Base Stats- HP: 16,000 – EXP: 302

Level 75 to 83

poison poopa

Map- Aqua Road: Red Coral Forest

Mob- Poison Poopa

Base Stats- HP: 46,000 – EXP: 684

Level 83 to 100

Mob Dark Sand Dwarf

Map- Sunset Road: The Desert Of Serenity

Mob- Sand Rat and Dark Sand Dwarf

Base Stats- HP: 86,000 – EXP: 1,145 and HP: 90,000 – EXP: 1,188

Level 100 to 110

monster zakum

Map- Daily Boss

Mob- Zakum

Level 110 to 123

Map- Ludibrium: Toy Factory <Apparatus Room>

Mob- Robo and Master Robo

Base Stats- HP:  348,075 – EXP: 2,963 and HP: 362,700 – EXP: 3055

Level 123 to 135

Map Black Mountain Entrance

Map- Korean Folk Town: Black Mountain Entrance

Mob- Moon Bunny

Base Stats- HP: 684,450 – EXP: 4,996

Level 135 to 145


Map- Korean Folk Town: Goblin House

Mob- Yellow King

Base Stats- HP: 1,087,800 EXP: 7,352

Level 145 to 170

kerning tower

Map- Kerning Tower: 2F Cafe <4> (Requires 80 StarForce)

Mob- [*] Enraged Espresso Machine

Base Stats- HP: 1,010,100 EXP: 36,975

Level 145 to 170

Map- Kerning Tower: 2F Cafe <3>

Mob- Grape Jelly Juice and Enraged Espresso Machine

Base Stats- HP: 1,478,250 EXP: 9,445 and HP: 1,531,800 EXP: 9,752

Level 170 to 190


Map- Daily Boss

Mob- Horntail

Level 170 to 190

Mob Gray Commuter Saucer

Map – Inside the Mothership: Corridor H01 (Requires 140 StarForce)

Mob – [*] Grey Communter Saucer

Base Stats – HP: 32,334,000 – EXP: 78,477

Level 170 to 190

gray luxury saucer

Map- Inside The Mothership: Corridor 202

Mob- Gray Luxury Saucer

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Base Stats- HP: 5,884,800 – EXP: 24,173

Level 190 to 200

forsaken exacavation site

Map- Twilight Period: Forsaken Excavation Site 2

Mob- Sinister Rocky Mask

Base Stats- HP: 12,632,600 – EXP: 59,075 (153,122)

Level 200 to 210

Map- Cave of Repose: Below the Cave

Mob- Tranquil Erda

Base Stats- HP: 55,019,400 – EXP: 118,598

Level 210 to 230

slurpy forest

Map- Slurpy Forest: Slurpy Forest Depths

Mob- Angry Flyon and Ripe Wolfruit

Base Stats- HP: 129,519,600 – EXP: 265,808 and HP: 129,519,600 – EXP: 265,808

Level 230 to 250

befuddled spirit

Map- Arcana: Cavern Lower Path

Mob- Befuddled Spirit

Base Stats- HP: 300,065,600 – EXP: 446,505

Level 250 to 255

Map- Tenebris: Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 5

Mob- Dark Miscreation and Dark Construct

Base Stats- HP: 591,261,000 – EXP: 640,971 and HP: 591,261,000 – EXP: 640,971

Level 255 to 275

Map- Limina: End of the World 1-5

Mob- Ascendion and Foreberion

Base Stats- HP: 655,470,200 – EXP: 700,242 and HP: 666,329,400 – EXP: 710,121


So, this is our Maplestory reboot training guide. If you have any doubt about this, you can reach out to us without any hesitation.

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