Mango is the king of fruits. Everyone loves eating mangoes. They are used in a variety of cuisines around the world. Be it, mango lassi, pickles, custards, puddings or even raw, mangoes are widely used around the world. For thousand of years, mangoes have been produced in South Asia. It I a very famous fruit in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. So, today we have prepared a list of top ten mango producing countries. Check it out.
10. Nigeria

With a mango production of 790,200 tons/year, Nigeria is our 10 mango producing country. It produces 3% of world’s total mango production. There are many famous varieties of mangoes such as Kerosene and Sherri. Kerosene is an ellipse shaped lime green mango. Kerosene has a great aftertaste. Sherri is a yellow to orange mango with a great taste. Kerosene and Sherri are two famous variety of mangoes found in Nigeria.
9. Philippine

Philippine is our number 9 spot in the list of mango producing countries. It produces 823,576 tons/year mangoes. It is the 3.6 % of world’s total mango production. The most famous mango in Philippines is what we refer to as champagne mangoes. It is also referred to as Manila Mango, Ataulfo mango, and Honey mango. Manila mango is considered to be the sweetest mango in the world. It is even listed in the Guinness book of world records.
8. Bangladesh

This small Asian country is our number 8 spot in the list of mango producing countries. Bangladesh produces 1,047,850 tons of mangoes every year. It accounts for 3.9 % of world’s total mango production. Mango is the prime Bangladeshi fruit in the summers. There are numerous mango cultivators present in the country. There are a wide variety of mangoes available in the country.
7. Brazil

Brazil is our number 7 spot in the list of mango producing countries of the world. It produces 1,188,910 tons of mangoes every year. Its total mango production constitute 4 % of worlds total production. January is the peak season of mangoes in Brazil. Fresh mangoes are available through out the year though summer is the peak season for mangoes. There are numerous mango producers in the country with many wide varieties available. It is one of the largest mango producing countries in the world.
6. Indonesia

With a mango production of 1,313,540 tons/year, Indonesia is our number 6 position on the list of mango producing countries. It produces 4.1 % of the total mango production of the world. East Java is the prime place of mango production in Indonesia. Arumanis and Gedong are the main varieties of mangoes found in Indonesia. Numerous producers of mangoes are present in Indonesia with a wide variety of mangoes available.
5. Mexico

Mexico is our number 5 position in the list of mango producing countries. It produces 1,632,650 tons of mangoes every year, constituting about 4.2 % of the total mango production. Mexico produces 5 distinct qualities of mangoes and exports it to many countries including America. The land of Mexico is rich with various types of mangoes. It is one of the largest mango producing countries of the world.
4. Pakistan

Pakistan is our number 4 spot in the list of mango producing countries. The country produces 1784,300 tons of mangoes every year. It constitutes 4.6 % of world’s total mango production. A wide variety of mangoes are produced in Pakistan. These mangoes are monoembryonic and their seeds differ from each other. The rich variety of mangoes present in Pakistan makes it one of the largest mango producing countries in the world.
3. Thailand

Thailand is our number 3 mango producing country. It produces about 2,550,600 tons of mangoes every year. Thailand accounts for 6.5 % of world’s total mango production. Brahm Kai Meu is a very famous mango variety produced in Thailand. It is exported through out the world by Thailand. The mango is fibreless and tastes delicious. The mango can also be eaten in its green state. Thailand is one of the largest mango producing countries.
2. China
China is our number 2 position in the list of top ten mango producing countries. It produces about 4,351,593 tons of mango every year. China accounts for 11.2 % of the world’s total mango production. Mango is an extremely popular fruit in China. The craze for mango began when a Pakistani foreign minister brought a box of mangoes for Chairman Mao. There are numerous mango producers present in China with a wide variety available.
1. India

India is our number 1 position in the list of largest mango producing countries. It produces 16,337,400 ton of mango every year and constitutes 42.2 percent of world’s total mango production. Mango is the most relished fruit in India. There are about a dozen variety of mangoes available here. India exports mangoes to a lot of countries. An area of about 1.23 million hectares is employed for the production of mangoes. Mangoes account for about 22.9 per cent of the total fruit production in India.
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