Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

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Dogs are certainly the most wonderful pet a person can have. They are obedient, wily and sociable. Most of the dog breeds are quite friendly though a few of them can be pretty dangerous if messed with. Although, if treated well, they become friendly and absolutely harmless.

Dangerous Dog Breeds

If you’re planning to keep a dog pet which is not only  powerful and protective but also friendly and sincere, we have a list of the top 10 most powerful and dangerous dog breeds in the world. Check it out!

10. Dalmatian


Dalmatian’s originated from Croatia. They weigh around around 40-70 lbs and have a height of 20-24 inches. They are quite protective and jolly. Also, they are very strong and they love running. They have been, for a long time, regarded as the symbol of the English firemen. Earlier they were used a hunters, warriors and even shepherds. Their life life span is about 10-13 years. This dog breed is a much-loved family pet and is one of the favorites among dog enthusiasts.

9. Presa Canario

presa canario
presa canario

Presa canario was originated in Canary islands, Africa. They weigh around 100-125 lbs and stand at 25-26 inches. They were trained for attacks and wars in the 18th century. They’re quite ferocious and fearless. If they run after a prey, there’s nothing the prey can do redeem itself. The breed is sometimes called Dogo Canario. Their average lifespan is about 8-12 years. Sale of this breed is prohibited in Australia and New-Zealand.

8. Chow Chow

Chow Chow
Chow Chow

Chow Chow was originated in China. It weighs around 40-50 lbs and stand at 18-22 inches. Looks very adorable right? Don’t even think of getting near it. Irrespective of its small size, The chow chow is one of the most aggressive dog breeds in the world. They were effectively used for hunting in the past. They are extremely loyal to their owners. It’s life span is about 9-15 years.

7. Doberman Pinschers


They were originated in Germany. They weigh around 65-90 lbs and their height is about 26-28 inches. Doberman’s are extremely loyal to their owners. They are extremely clever, intelligent and alert. They are also very energetic and are best suited for joint families. Their average life span is about 10-13 years.

6. Alaskan Malamutes

alaskan malamute
Alaskan malamute

This breed was originated in North America. It weighs around 80-110 lbs and stands at 23-28 inches. The nature of this breed is very jolly although they can be aggressive if they get bored. They are often referred as Mal or Mally. It was used for hauling heavy freight because of its power and endurance in the past. It’s life span can be up to 16 years.


5. Huskies


They were originated in Siberia. They weigh around 35-55 lbs and stand at 24-26 inches. Huskies are extremely energetic and exuberant. They have massive strength and endurance. Though their training is very important before. Therefore, this dog is not recommended for beginner dog owners. Huskies are actively used in sled dog racing. Their average life-span is about 10 years. They have different colored eyes.

4. Boxers


Boxer were originated in Germany. They weigh around 50-75 lbs and stand at 20-25 inches. Although they look quite intense, they are actually very friendly and loving. They are extremely powerful and have a good endurance level. It is a perfect family dog which is friendly and protective. Though proper exercise and conditioning of this dog is extremely important. They are actively used for military purposes around the world. Their average life span is about 9-10 years.

3. German Shepherds

German shepherds

They originated in Germany and are known as the famous K-9 dogs. They stand at 22-26 inches. They are extremely headstrong and fearless. They require regular physical activity and exercise. They are the second-most popular dog in the United States of America. They actively compete in competitions such as Agility trials.  Their average age is about 8-10 years. They are desirable for police and security jobs for their intelligence and strength. A must have if you want an all round protector.

2. Rottweilers


It was originated in Germany and weighs around 85-110 lbs. They are dogs with powerful jaws that are extremely sharp. They usually don’t like the company of a stranger and it’ll be a wise decision to stay away from them. They are extremely powerful and have a very long-lasting stamina. They live for about 10 years usually. It is an extremely healthy breed!


Pit bull

Pit bull was originated in America. It weighs around 30-55 lbs and it’s height is around 18-22 inches. It is regarded as one the most aggressive dog breeds. It can attack other pit bulls as well. But this doesn’t mean it can’t be kept as a pet. With utmost care and love, no soul will be harmful. There are no irresponsible dogs but only irresponsible owners. Dog owners in America will be legally liable for all the losses incurred by their pit bulls.

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