Top 10 Cutest Yugioh Cards

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When it comes to Yugioh cards, most of them look scary. Yugioh consists of intimidating and epic monsters. This includes dragons, zombies, etc. If we count these cards, there are more than 6000 unique Yugioh cards. Yugioh cards are entertaining when you touch the cards and enjoy using them.

However, out of them, there are several other cards that look cute. Interested to know about the cute Yugioh cards? If yes, then here it is, but before that, just have a look at how powerful these cards are:

When it comes to their powerfulness, there are five viability levels. They are:

  • Meta: In this level, they can top the tournaments
  • Non-existent: Extremely terrible
  • Competitive: You can take these cards to tournaments
  • Budget: Can function at least
  • Rogue: Quite viable

The top 10 cutest Yugioh cards are:

10. Valerifawn

Valerifawn Cutest Yugioh Card

This Yugioh card is a cute Bambi or a baby reindeer. The effect of Valerifawn enables you to summon a lower or level 2 monster of beast-type from your Graveyard. However, make sure that this monster works perfectly and amazingly in any of beast decks.

This Yugioh card especially pairs well with another Mystical Beast of the Forest cards. These cards include Kalantosa, as well as Uniflora.

9. Madolche Anjelly

Madolche Anjelly Cutest Yugioh Card

This Yugioh card comprises of numerous sweet and fairy monsters. In fact, this is one of the important pieces of the Madolche deck. It’s because, with this, the engine can run as a standalone. This means the engine will run devoid of any other engine such as T.G.s or Psychics.

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8. Mokey Mokey

Mokey Mokey Cutest Yugioh Card

This is one of the Yugioh cards that came into limelight in the year 2004. Mokey Mokey is a cute and sweet little angel who is unaware of the things that happened on the battlefield. When it comes to Mokey Mokey, you can make a deck. However, for this, you have to combine Mokey Mokey, Mokey Smackdown, and Mokey Mokey King.

Though you can do this, it won’t be as fair as compared to newer deck builds.

7. Poki Draco

Poki Draco Cutest Yugioh Card

When it comes to Yugioh, this is the cutest and adorable dragon with a small bandaid on the head. This dragon looks harmless and in case of dragon destroyer deck or dragon engine, it works amazing. It is because of its influence on easy tributes.

In fact, the appearance of this Yugioh card is a combination of a squirrel and baby dragon. Along with this, there is plaster in its forehead.

6. Fluffal Mouse

Fluffal Mouse Cutest Yugioh Card

Fluffals consists of several search or draw cards that can help on Fusion summoning. Moreover, fluffals are most efficient and reliable. When it comes to fluffals, everyone is cute and lovable including fluffal mouse. For OTK deck or recycle deck (here you can spam several diverse fluffal animals multiple times), these Yugioh cards are the best.

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5. Marshmallon

Marshmallon Cutest Yugioh Card

Marshmallon is one of the most amazing hearts for years. It is the most amazing hedging card, it has several powers. The power of marshmallon is in its cuteness. There were several situations in which the gamers took marshmallon likely, but ended up angry in seeing their rival flip one face-up.

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4. White Magician Pikeru

White Magician Pikeru Cutest Yugioh Card

When it comes to this card, there was a tough decision between Ebon Magician Curran and Pikeru in which Pikeru won. White Magician Pikeru was released in the year 2004 and is one of the older Yugioh cards. As a result, this is not much active.

Moreover, if you are interested to make use of her in a deck, then try to pair her with Spirit Barrier, Curran, and Astral Barrier.

3. Winged Kuriboh

Winged Kuriboh Cutest Yugioh Card

The normal Kuriboh is very cute. However, when you offer it with small wings, it looks entirely different. It looks so cute and melts the heart.

2. Ghostrick SoCuteBoss

Ghostrick SoCuteBoss Cutest Yugioh Card

This is yet another cute Yugioh cards that sell for $1. Thus, this is an affordable Yugioh card for almost everyone. Playing Ghostrick decks are fun-filled, but it does not show too much action. In fact, these decks are a little bit reactive.

1. Watapon

Watapon Cutest Yugioh Card

This is one of the cutest Yugioh cards I have ever seen. You can keep it with you always so that whenever you feel stressed or depressed, you can look at this card. This is because if you look into Watapon’s eyes, you will feel relaxed.

Read More : Top 10 Best Draw Cards in Yugioh


Now, we believe that you are clear about the top 10 cutest Yugioh cards. The names of the Yugioh cards we listed here are strictly on the basis of our profound research.

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However, if you’re interested to know more about the cutest Yugioh cards, then don’t vacillate to reach us.

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