Top 10 Best Hand Cannons Destiny 2

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Hand Cannons are considered as the iconic weapons in Destiny. These weapons can cause high damage and can deal with almost all the situations ranging from close to medium.

Choosing the best hand cannon can be quite hard as there are several in the Destiny 2. Each of them has its own uniqueness.

Now, here you will get to know about 10 best hand Cannons in the Destiny 2.

10. Better Devils

better devils

This is a now seasoned gun in Destiny 2 battlefields. It is a reliable weapon for the player for almost all the situations. It has a balanced fire rate, as well as impact, which provides dependable results. Moreover, the gamers can unpack their magazine into the opponent with ease using a minor recoil.

In fact, this will prove to be one of the steadfast guns on the battleground.

9. Midnight Coup

midnight coup

This is the weapon, which has been in Destiny 2 since the launching of the game. Its Rampage perk and iconic Outlaw combination have set the bar for how the strong weapons must be for the rest of the game.

To find this weapon, the player has to complete the Leviathan Raid. If you fail in this, then sometimes the Raid vendor in tower vends this cannon for tokens.

With this cannon weapon, the players will move faster, hits hard, amazing perks and manageable recoil.

8. Sunshot


This cannon is similar to fans of explosions. Sunshot is a 150 RPM exotic hand cannon, which consists of explosive rounds. Not only this, but also has a stronger form of a dragonfly.

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Opponents defeating either while burning or with a precision hit release a huge explosion. As a result, it is better in PvE. Along with this, it is also helpful in the vital thanks to great range.

Sunshot has the capability to generate Warmind Cells. When it comes to making its solar explosions to generate Warmind cells, you will require the Wrath of Rasputin mod. However, payment is huge.

The explosions occurring from sunshot can detonate Warmind Cells. This is because they spawn, which can result in a group of opponents. These opponents will convert into a nuclear bomb for gamers to donate.

7. Dire Promise

dire promise

This cannon is a retaliation of the 150 RPM Dead Orbit Hand Cannon. It has 87 as aim assist stat and a range of 45. This, in turn, make this cannon stand out from the crowd.

This weapon will also act as a headshot machine as the Rangefinder and Opening Shot are strong in PvE. Moreover, this cannon consists of lacking perk pool for PvE.

Though Swashbuckler, as well as Overflow, are solid, it is not adequate to compete with top-tier primaries.

6. Luna’s Howl

lunas howl

This gun has the efficiency to shoot bullets in a blink. It has the efficiency to manage the damages to a great extent.

Moreover, this hand cannon is one of the toughest one to attain. This is because it has a long-range and can cause high damage. With this weapon, the gamers can take out their opponents easily in 4 shots. It does this from the distances where most of the cannon would fade at.

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5. The Last Word

the last word

Now, if you didn’t play Destiny 1, then you would have never experienced this hand cannon in its heyday.

The Last Word has the coolest hip firing perk/mechanic/animation in the game. You need to use this cannon hand only if you’re interested to look like a cowboy.

4. Not Forgotten

not forgotten

Not Forgotten has one special factor as compared to other hand cannons. It is an enhanced range, which is necessary for balancing a hand cannon.

The latest changes in the game made the range hand cannons a quite a little bit effective. However, still, it is one of the perfect long-range shooters in the marketplace.

This addon also helps as bragging rights provided the long road to attain the gun.

3. Thorn


This hand cannon is powerful as it has 2 piece perk combination. This combination manages additional damage to the rival, which in turn makes the gamer more powerful.

Soul Devourer has the efficiency to strengthen the 1st perk. It does this when the residue, which is left behind is picked up. This is done while replenishing the magazine.

2. Crimson


The TTK of Crimson is quite competitive even alongside Hard Light. This has a stunning perk set consisting of 3 bullet bursts. These bullet bursts regen health on kills. Moreover, it is a magazine, which doesn’t end if you land precision skills.

Crimson has a vertical recoil, you have to begin at the torso and work your way up.

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You must use this if you’re perfect at landing precision skills. Not only this, but also when you are in need of a good multipurpose, short, mid-range, and long weapon.

1. Spare Rations

spare rations

This is the best hand Cannon in Destiny2, which appears with a high aim-assist value that can rival the Ace of Spades. Not only this, but also has high range stat and has the ability to roll PvP and PvE perks in order to make this game like a dream.

This hand cannon is a powerhouse, which will find a place in an unexpected PvE content, as well as non-Trials Crucible modes.


We believe that we have covered all the vital info about the best hand cannons in Destiny 2. As a result, we hope if you read the blog thoroughly, then you will become very much clear about these weapons.

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